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Senegal - South Agro-Industrial Processing Zone Project (PZTA-SUD) or Agropole Sud - Project Appraisal Report


The South Agro-Industrial Processing Zone Project (PZTA-Sud, or Agropole Sud) is among the flagship projects of Senegal’s Vision 2035 Emerging Senegal Plan (PSE), which raises the number of growth drivers from two (telecommunications and services) to six, the four new ones being agriculture and agribusiness, housing, mining and tourism. It forms part of Pillar I of the PSE on “Structural transformation of the economy and growth” and is an integral part of the industrial PSE component that provides for the establishment of three “integrated and competitive agricultural hubs”. Furthermore, PZTA-Sud is in line with the priorities of the Country Strategy Paper (CSP) for the 2016- 2020 period and the Bank's Ten-Year Strategy 2013-2022 through its High 5s “Feed Africa”, “Industrialise Africa” and “Improve the quality of life for the people of Africa”

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